Category: Math

Riemann Geometry Explained

Posted by May 24, 2012

Messfehler, Mittelwert, Standardabweichung

Posted by April 7, 2012

Aus dem Mathematik-Vorkurs 2009 von Joern Loviscach eine Auffrischung zum Thema: Messfehler, Mittelwert, Standardabweichung, Fehlerfortpflanzung (ab Video Nr. 70).

GNU Octave – a free and open replacement for Matlab

Posted by April 4, 2012

For those working on linux or similar systems (not windows) and don’t have the money (or want to use commercial software) I can highly recommend GNU Octave. As far as I can say (from my very beginner perspective) octave supports everything I have learned so far that can be done in Matlab (see this).



Travel from E -35.0 to E 27.0

Posted by March 29, 2012

Check this out (“E” stands for 10 to the n-th power in scientific notation).


Happy : )

Posted by March 28, 2012

Just received a package I have been waiting for almost a week. What was in the package? A Texas Instruments TI-89 Titanium – a graphical calculator. I already started reading the users manual (more than 900 pages) but I’m sure it will take me months to figure out all the possibilities of what can be done with such a device.

Learning Mathematics online

Posted by March 16, 2012

If you are looking for a place on the net that will help you refresh your knowledge in mathematics, you should check out

Simply by accident I found this site that is not only a wonderful resource for learning math (for free) by doing exercises online but also contains loads of video lessons covering physics, history, art and much more. My first contact was a video lesson I found on youtube on properties of frequencies. The videos provided by Khan all follow the same beautiful style. Black screen, color pencils and the voice of Salman Khan, the guy behind Khan Academy. You should give one of his videos a try. I was simply impressed by his clarity.

I have been using the service for more than two months now and I’m still surprised about how well things are explained (especially when it comes to topics like quadratic equations and similar).