Tag: modelling

New Systems Engineering book : )

Posted by June 12, 2013

9781463777357-Modern_Methods_of_Systems_EngineeringReceived a copy of the “Modern Methods of Systems Engineering” book, published in 2011.

This is what the abstract has to say:

Modern Methods of System Engineering reviews the fundamentals of systems engineering and show how these fundamentals can be integrated with model and pattern based methods to achieve reuse of systems engineering as well as reuse of hardware and software designs. This both shortens the time required for the systems engineering work and increases the quality of the systems engineering necessary for design and development of modern complex systems. The methods and tools presented are complementary to the DoD Systems Engineering Fundamentals, the NASA System Engineering Handbook and the ICOSE System Engineering Handbook.

Exercises are includes so that the book is a guide to self-training for engineers new to systems engineering and to experienced systems engineers wanting to learn new and better methods.

Hope it will help me find my ways into the systems engineering field.